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Smart Departing from PI Session is also Important

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Personal Interview Tips
The personal interview is a critical step in MBA admission process and should not be taken lightly. PI is aimed at knowing a candidate more intimately - assessing the clarity of thinking process, future goals and the 'fit'   factor with the B-school. 

It provides the admission selection committee of a B school to evaluate your interpersonal and soft skills. With this aim MBA Rendezvous is presenting you PI tips so that you can be successful.

“Smart Departing from PI Session is also Important”

There are many articles which shine light on the importance of walking confidently into an interview room and shaking hands of the interviewers firmly but there are very few articles that shine light on the importance of smart departing from a PI session. Just because there are only a few articles on smart departure from a PI session, it does not mean that it is not important.
On the contrary, the way you end an interview and the way you walk out of an interview room can make a difference to your interview score because interviewers focus on your every move right from the time you enter the interview room till you leave the room.

Once the interview is over, thank the interviewers for their time. This is basic courtesy. Smile at all the interviewers and shake their hands before leaving the interview room. While walking towards the door of the interview, keep your posture straight. This reflects your confidence and professionalism. 
You should remember that business schools have been established to develop students into world-class business leaders. So, if you want to get admission into a business school, you ought to behave like someone who has the potential to become a business leader. 
No matter how the interview may have gone, keep your spirits high and end the interview on a positive note. Many students undermine the importance of non-verbal communication at the end of an interview and they walk out of the interview room casually - some don’t even close the door after they leave the interview room. All these speak negatively about you and you may end up losing some points in the interview.
Smile at the end of the interview and ensure that your facial expressions complement your speech. Never forget to thank the interviewers for taking the time to interview you. These things may appear to be small but they are extremely powerful – by not following the above-mentioned protocol, you could come off as arrogant or unprofessional and in extreme cases, you may be denied admission into the business school of your choice.
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