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Creative Man Is Motivated By The Desire To Achieve

Creative Man Is Motivated By The Desire To Achieve

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Creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve

WAT Topic for MBA 2022

WAT is the Written Ability Test for MBA admission into top B-Schools and IIMs all around India.

  • Are you done writing your CAT (MAT, XAT, SNAP, NMAT) exam?
  • Are you waiting for the call from your dream college?

It’s time to convert those dreams into reality. If you have cleared the cutoff for your favorite college, you must start preparing for MBA WAT Essays and polishing your writing skills. The Indian Institute of Management (IIMs) and all top B-Schools conduct a writing ability test (WAT) or Academic Writing Test (AWT) to check your – General Awareness and Language Skills

The popular IIM WAT Topics 2022 are mostly related to social issues, current affairs, and business and the economy. MBA Rendezvous has listed all the burning WAT Topics for MBA 2022 that can be asked in the WAT round and the Key WAT Tips or information to keep in mind while preparing and appearing for the round. Checkout the  Writing Ability Test Sample and popular writing ability test topics for 2022.

Post CAT and other MBA exam results you will be tested for WAT or Written Ability Test so it is advisable to read variety of topics. Today, you will read WAT topic 

"Creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve"

Ayn Rand was a famous Russian-American novelist, philosopher and a screenwriter. She once said, “A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others”.
 She was absolutely right in saying that someone with determination and an aspiration to do something in life will focus on his tasks, accomplishments and goals, instead of focusing on competition around him. Many a times, people get driven by competition around them. 
There is a desire in many people to prove their worth to others. If you are talented and want to build upon that, you should focus on your skills and hone them so that you can reach your goals. If you are more keen on getting ahead of others, you will never be focused on your goals because you attention is diverted elsewhere.
Your desire to achieve something is your personal goal. If you are serious about achieving your goal, competition will not deter you. Your success is not dependent on others’ failures. If you are more motivated by the desire to beat others, it means that you are not sincere about your goals. It shows that you do not have confidence and faith in yourself. 
People who do not have talent, determination and faith in themselves are always thinking of showing off to others. People who are genuinely interested in achieving their goals for their self-satisfaction are those who have real talent and are keen on enhancing their skills and capabilities. This group of people will go far in life.
It is true that people with talent and confidence stand out in a crowd. They do not have to work hard to prove their skills. They do not need to put someone down to get into the limelight. One should be motivated and determined to achieve his goal regardless of what his competitors or peers are doing.
Your goal is not determined by others but yourself. Your success is determined by you and not by anyone else. So, it is true that creative men are motivated by the desire to achieve and not for other reasons.

Stay informed, Stay ahead and stay inspired with MBA Rendezvous