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Equation is 98% hard work & 2% luck

Equation is 98% hard work & 2% luck

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Equation is 98% hard work & 2% luck

WAT Topic for MBA 2022

WAT is the Written Ability Test for MBA admission into top B-Schools and IIMs all around India.

  • Are you done writing your CAT (MAT, XAT, SNAP, NMAT) exam?
  • Are you waiting for the call from your dream college?

It’s time to convert those dreams into reality. If you have cleared the cutoff for your favorite college, you must start preparing for MBA WAT Essays and polishing your writing skills. The Indian Institute of Management (IIMs) and all top B-Schools conduct a writing ability test (WAT) or Academic Writing Test (AWT) to check your – General Awareness and Language Skills

The popular IIM WAT Topics 2022 are mostly related to social issues, current affairs, and business and the economy. MBA Rendezvous has listed all the burning WAT Topics for MBA 2022 that can be asked in the WAT round and the Key WAT Tips or information to keep in mind while preparing and appearing for the round. Checkout the  Writing Ability Test Sample and popular writing ability test topics for 2022.

Equation is 98% hard work & 2% luck

Discussions go on whether hard work dominates luck or vice versa. At times luck is considered great and on the other side hard work gets consideration of something which showcase overcommitted scene.

It is mandatory to take both into account by keeping practicality into consideration to judge that hard work and luck are never ever equal. Hard work has bigger share in your success and luck comes at the last stage. 
Talent makes sense so you mustn’t ignore that if willing to make remarkable position in life, give hard work priority for successful endeavor by keeping luck in last stride.  
There is no doubt in it that believing on luck is as important as hard work but mere waiting for the luck to bring something outstanding won’t do anything. The concept is clear that we must strive to do the best through hard work which turns life into order and a new course of action is beforehand.
Once you achieve in that by applying logic to bring everything in system then there is ample chance for positive rewards favorable luck. Destiny readers promote luck and often highlight myths especially role of luck. 
Equally should they support hard work without which luck don’t have meaning. It is true that hard work and luck has causal relationship which makes big change if go along. Such fact can’t be denied as in many cases hard work fails if luck is unfavorable. Relationship between success and luck is important and noticeable but understanding related factors is equally necessary for which the approach should be thoroughly practical. 
Good luck brings thorough change in life but mere believing on it won’t do. Hard work translates bad luck into good and your efforts yield positive outcome. If measured in practical terms then it is well understood that hard work has maximum share for writing success stories.
Luck is important angle but its share is not as paramount as the promoters of myth believe in. Hard work always pays without which your luck won’t bring any change in life. In the competitive era equation has finally changed and it is 98% hard work followed by only 2% luck!