Published : Arun Arora | September 9, 2016 | 10:54 AM IST
Who is stopping you to dream for getting in IIM?
It would not be an exaggeration to say that every single student who appears for entrance examinations to get into MBA, dreams of getting through to the biggest institutes of management in the country, that is the Indian Institutes of Management, spread across the country. The brand value that IIMs have created for themselves over the years, producing fine executives who have been well trained and have become pioneers in their chosen fields, makes them the preferred choice of aspirants.
IIM reflects the best that the country has to offer to its students. Not just the course but the entire curriculum is intensive and pushes the students to become the very best that they can be and stay ahead in the competition. To add to this, they attract the best companies from around the world and maintain an excellent placement record. For all these reasons and more, studying in an IIM is a dream that all aspirants harbour. So, who and what stops you from achieving that dream?
1. Mind
Your mind can be a hurdle in your success. The common phrase, “it’s all in the mind,” stresses on the need to remove all the mental blocks that prevent you from reaching your true potential and train the mind to be positive.
2. Attitude
The only person who can stop you from going after IIMs is, you, yourself. Your own attitude can be both an enabler and an impediment in your pursuit of IIMs. A positive approach and a can- do attitude is necessary to clear all hurdles that pass your way. A person with the right attitude is more likely to attain success. Your perspective, your way of looking at the world, your approach towards handling a problem, your way of reacting to a situation, all of these is defined by your attitude.
3. Competition
Fear of competition intimidates many aspirants and sows the seeds of self- doubt and insecurity in them. They begin to think of themselves as inferior and less deserving than others. This hampers their chances of reaching the best institutes.
4. Confidence
To achieve anything big in life, you need to possess self- confidence. Lack of confidence in your own abilities and skills creates a difficult situation for you, in fact, adds a barrier to your dream of getting into the IIMs. Because you are not confident of your abilities, you tend to underestimate yourself and think of yourself as incapable of reaching great heights. A confident person, even if he lacks some skill, would make up for it with his/ her confidence and would always fancy his/ her chances even in the most difficult of situations.
5. Keep it simple
Aspirants tend to overthink and ruin their chances of doing well in the exam. Dividing the work into parts and preparing a schedule and following it, is a god way of not complicating things and keeping it simple. Unnecessarily complicating thing for yourself will only hamper your chances.
Getting into top MBA institutes such as IIM is achievable, provided the aspirants are willing to work hard, remove the hurdles and blockages and get the required percentile.
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