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30 days to CAT are crucial

As the date for the CAT Exam comes close, aspirants feel a mix of emotions, like excitement at getting a chance to realise their dreams and anxiety due to the weight of expectations. As the CAT comes close, aspirants take stock of their preparations and gauge their chances. The last month before the exam is extremely crucial and the aspirants should make use of it wisely to maximise their scores.

1. Accelerate

For the aspirants, thirty days before CAT means it’s now or never. It’s that crunch time when the aspirants should put their preparation in fast mode. By this time if you don’t have clarity on basic concepts, then, it’s high time to brush up your conceptual understanding. It is time you accelerate your revision and regularly revise formulae, vocabulary and grammar rules.

2. Tie loose ends

A month before the exam, it is time you tie all the loose ends. This involves careful revision of topics that are your strengths, so that you don’t lose any marks in those areas. It also involves work on the few weak areas that you may have, about which you still are not completely sure. If these questions do come, you should be able to find your way through them.

3. Strategize

A very important aspect of your preparation at this stage is strategy. A month before the exam is just the right time to devise a good strategy to maximise your chances in the exam. Develop a section wise strategy, visualise the hurdles that you may face in the exam, and steps to tackle these hurdles. For instance, in Reading Comprehension, you need to think about your strategy, how to go about reading the passages and attempting the questions. These strategies have to be well thought out in time for the exam, so that on the day of the exam, there is not even an iota of confusion in your mind as to how to proceed. This level of clarity is crucial in the exam.

4. Good Mock Tests

A month before the exam, the aspirants should divide their time between practice, revision and attempting good mock tests regularly. Mock Tests help you anticipate questions and understand your strengths and weaknesses. They are a good way to put yourself as close to the exam-like situation as possible. They are a good way to test your preparation level and help you make last minute changes to your preparation.

5. Accuracy and Speed

The most crucial aspect of your exam is speed and accuracy. After you have prepared all topics, it will do you well to work on these twin aspects of the exam. Your percentile does not depend on the number of questions you attempt but on how accurately you attempt those questions, which implies that you can leave out a few questions. Also, now is the time for you to check the time you take to finish a particular question. Each second you save is a second you ear for a different question.

Therefore, all aspirants should utilise this time to fine tune their preparation and be ready for the final frontier.


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