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Interpretation of data is a process | MBA Rendezvous

Data is of no value if one does not have the skills to interpret and analyze it. This is the reason why MBA entrance exams place emphasis on the Data Interpretation section. 

This section tests your speed, analytical skills and decision making capability. A number of tables, graphs and charts will be provided to the student and he/she will be required to answer the questions through inference. 
Analytical skills are largely dependent on logical reasoning. In this section, a candidate assumes the role of a business manager, tasked with interpreting data to reach important decisions. 
In the Data Interpretation section, cases are given to the candidate. Here, one has to read between the lines to unearth the data. To test your analytical skills, you will be asked to analyze the trends, percentage distribution and problem areas. You will also be required to draw conclusions. 

To ace the Data Interpretation section, you should be able to capture details quickly, focus on key issues, identify trends and form logical links. 
When you practice questions from previous years, you inevitably hone your analytical skills because you will be required to think logically, quickly and deeply.

100 Mock Questions with Answers on Quantitative Ability

In the Data Interpretation section, there will be some questions on data sufficiency. Here, logical puzzles and a few statements are given to you. 
You need to analyze the statements and answer whether you can solve the problem using the statements, be it individually or collectively. Sometimes, the information provided in the statements is insufficient and more data is required to answer the question. If so, you should be able to identify statements with insufficient data.
Questions related to data sufficiency hone your reasoning skills and force you to analyze complex problems. In the business world, you will come across documents in which complete information is not available. This section is essentially a test of your logical reasoning skills and decision-making capability. 

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