Essay writing will be an important section for XAT 2018 exam and you will be getting 20 minutes only to write Essay in last section of XAT 2018.
Hope, although a petite four-alphabet word, carries a lot of weight and a deep significance for many of us. Hope is an anchor for the soul. The beautiful and deeply profound Psalm 39:7 states – “And so, Lord, where do I put my hope? My only hope is in you.” One can place one’s hope in the Lord Almighty or in one’s own self, because man does possess divinity, since he was created by God in His own image. Where there is life, there is bound to be hope. A human being who gives up hope is like a dried up river – lifeless and cheerless. Sometimes, hope is all that one has to cling on to, when one feels to have lost everything. But, all is still not lost – because when one has hope, one has everything. Helen Keller believed that hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible. Keller is the epitome of an individual who never gave up on life, though life had given up on her. She knew that she could not give up, that the beginning is always the hardest, and that if one quits in the very beginning, one can never realise the beauty of what lies beyond.
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Sri Chinmay remarked that hope knows no fear, hope dares to blossom, even inside the abysmal abyss, it secretly feeds and strengthens promise. Hope is the only thing stronger than fear. It helps us transcend all petty limitations and constraints. One must hope for the best but prepare for the worst. But one must not play foolhardy – i.e. one must not hope for things to happen without putting one’s own efforts into a task, because things will not appear out of thin air.
One also must not look too often into one’s past, it might become despairing at times. One must live in the present and grasp whatever of the time at hand – Carpe Diem! – Seize the day! – should be the dictum that one is supposed to follow throughout one’s life. T. Augustus believed that HOPE is the soul's best bower anchor let go in good holding ground.
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Through every trial, through every woe, in health, in sickness, in poverty, and in want, hope, like a bright fixed star of promise, shines aloft, and bids us not despair. Hope entered the dark chambers of our childish hearts, and has ever since been the sun of our existence, shining day and night, never dark, never extinguished. Hope joined us in the cradle, and will be with us at the last.
One must learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow. All hope should be predicated on one’s present efforts and circumstances, since yesterday is past and tomorrow has not arrived yet. The present is all what one has in one’s hands to mold and forge for a better tomorrow.
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