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We are in habit of polluting rivers

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We are in habit of polluting rivers
We are in habit of polluting rivers
After having cleared cutoff scores at MBA Institute, you will be invited for Group Discussion and now it is must for you to practice with variety of GD topics.
Read and develop points for discussion and make sure that you are concluding with conviction:
“We are in habit of polluting rivers”
For the View
• Water pollution is the gravest problems of today. Every year water pollution cause more deaths than all forms of violence, including war. The steps have been taken but the level problem has raised so much in recent years that the situation has gone beyond control.
• The biggest source of water pollution is industry effluents. With the establishment of industries at every possible place, the increasing number of industries has lead to increased levels of water pollution. The industry effluents are dumped in the water bodies without proper treatment.
• Agricultural runoff is another major cause of water pollution. With use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers etc. the water that runoff from the ground to the rivers during rain or floods, make the water contaminated with these pesticides too leading numerous health problems.
• There is large gap between generation and treatment of domestic waste water in India. The problem deepens with lack of sufficient treatment capacity and improper operation and regulation of sewage treatment plants that already exist.
• The coliform levels is another cause of this gravest problem as the levels of coliform must be below 104MPN/100mil but the level of coliform is high in major water bodies like Yamuna, Gomti, Ghaggar, Ganga etc.
The Conclusion
The steps taken in order to prevent water pollution are small as compared to the level and severity of the problem. We are developing on the cost of proper health as the water has no substitute and this is the reason of the existence of the human beings. The increased number of industries, growing population, improper sewage treatment and ignorance of people towards water conservation and treatment is making us habitual of water polluting rivers.
• We know that the water pollution is a huge problem and therefore steps have been taken to control the same. The first step that the Indian Government took was The Water ((Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and amended in 1988; the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977 and amended in 1991; and the Environment Protection Act, 1986, etc.
• There are many NGO’s that run with the motive of educating people on water pollution, its effects, control and conservation.
• People have become aware of the severity of the situation and actively involve themselves in various campaigns that hold water pollution as their agenda.
• There are strict regulations and guidelines that have been laid be government to control the industry effluents. Any industry that does not adhere to the rules of proper sewage treatment can be sealed by the government.
The conclusion
With the increased level of problem people have also realized that they are the only ones who are or will be suffering in future and therefore people have become aware of practices of conserving water. Numerous campaigns, media messages and movements are being put into action frequently to aware people of the problem and encouraging them to stop the habit of polluting water.

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