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Few Months for NMAT 2024 – Gear Up Now!

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Few Months for NMAT 2024 – Gear Up Now!

NMAT 2024 Exam – The Focus

NMAT 2024 is a speed-based exam and tests you on three important aspects:

  1. Time Management – How efficiently you can manage to answer 108 question in 120 minutes keeping in mind the sectional time limits.
  2. Speed & Accuracy – How quick are you in your analysis and calculations while answering. Also, how accurately you mark your answers. Even though there is no negative marking, you cannot answer everything in fluke
  3. Strategy – How smart are you in choosing and answering questions. Also, which section you attempt first and the order you choose.

NMAT 2024 Exam – The Details

Here is what you need to keep in mind:

NMAT 2024 Exam Sections

Total Questions

NMAT 2024 Score range

Total Time

Language Skills



28 mins

Quantitative Skills



52 mins

Logical Reasoning



40 mins




120 mins

NMAT 2024 Exam – The Preparation

With just months to go for the NMAT 2024 exam, dedicate the few week in going through all the important topics and concepts.

Data IconSectional Approach

Here are a few tips you need to keep in mind while preparing for each section:

Language Skills

  1. Starting today, make sure you write at least 15 sectional mocks before your actual exam
  2. Go through the NMAT word list by heart
  3. Attempt individual RC passages with a timer (3 to 5 minutes at max)
  4. Time yourself when you write the sectional mocks
  5. Analyse the mocks you are writing for your strong and week areas.

Quantitative Skills

  1. Ensure you write at least 20 sectional mocks before your final exam
  2. Make a list of important formulae and revise them daily
  3. Solve individual DI questions with a timer
  4. Work on mental calculations and estimation.
  5. Analyse the mocks you are writing for your strong and week areas

Logical Reasoning

  1. Try to write at least 20 sectional mocks before your final exam
  2. Do not leave any topic. NMAT is the only exam that asks single statement reasoning questions
  3. Deduce strategies for each of the topic under this question
  4. Work on making educated guesses in case you are running short of time
  5. Analyse the mocks you write thoroughly.

Overall Approach

  1. Write at least 8 to 10 full length mocks in the last one month before your exam
  2. Go with a pre-decided plan about the order in which you want to attempt the sections
  3. It is best to get done with your strongest section initially, since it helps you keep your morale high
  4. Move on to the next question as soon as you see yourself spending more than a minute on a question. NMAT 2024  is a speed-based test
  5. Keep an eye on the timer but do not get perturbed seeing “time left”
  6. At the end of each section, make sure you keep at least two minutes to make educated guesses for the questions you could not solve
  7. Practice as much as you can
  8. Revising all important formulae and shortcuts
  9. Go through the official NMAT mocks available on their website
  10. Do not leave any question unanswered, since there is no negative marking.

All the best!

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