Since post MBA entrance exams, most of IIMs and Top MBA Institutes are conducting WAT ( Written Abiity Test ) to check language skills which can't be developed overnight hence, practice matters a lot.
Please read following topic on WAT and develop your own skills : Pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power
There is very little that separates pessimism from optimism. Both are feelings or states of mind that shape a person’s reaction to things and events in life. Both become a part of a person’s nature over a period of time, to the extent that the person begins to be identified by either of the two. Both are attitudes that inform a person’s personality yet, both are mutually exclusive to each other. Where one exists, the other cannot flourish. This is because one is a negative attitude while the other is a positive attitude.
The starting point of pessimism is negativity, which is all consuming and leads to a position of weakness. A pessimist starts off with a huge disadvantage as he finds it impossible to dissociate pessimism from his perspective hence, allows the situation to get the better of him all the time. Instead of looking for solutions and a way out, a pessimist will surrender to the problem meekly. The sense of failure, reluctance, and lack of pride in oneself can be easily identified with a pessimist.
On the other hand, optimism starts off from a position of positivity and leads to position of power. Whereas a pessimist will think of all the things that can go wrong, an optimist will focus more on the things that can go right. Optimism is empowering because an optimist will never be bogged down by a problem and will train his energies to look for solutions. An optimist will never surrender. For instance, the famous British writer, J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter was rejected by 12 publishers before being published by a small publishing house, Henry Ford’s first company went bankrupt but that did not deter him from launching Ford Motor Company and script his success story. These examples show the power of optimism.
The classic example of seeing the glass half empty or half full underlines the meaning of the two traits. An optimist derives power from hope and belief in himself. They like to believe that there is a possibility in everything and don’t suffer from anxiety or stress. Optimism keeps their minds young and healthy and full of confidence. Pessimism, on the other hand, weakens a person as everything becomes an insurmountable challenge for him. The absence of hope in a pessimist leaves him jaded and with low expectations.
Optimism instils energy and zest in a man. An optimist is full of spirit and finds ways to be happy. Pessimism, on the other hand, drains the person of energy and confidence. It consumes the person and affects even his relationships with others.
It’s not that turning pessimism into optimism is not possible. But for that to happen, you need to tweak your thinking and muster the will power to make optimism an integral component of one’s personality. It is worth remembering that life is not a bed of roses, instead of adding to the misery by being pessimistic, make life simpler by being optimistic.