Out of the three sections that constitute the CAT exam, the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) section can be the most scoring. It may be difficult to solve Mathematical questions or interpret data correctly, but a decent vocabulary with good reading speed can help you score well in this section. It is expected that CAT 2021 might have more questions from RC, therefore candidates with good command on English can actually do well in this section and boost their percentile.
Difference between VARC and other sections
The reason that VARC seems like a scoring option is because most candidates possess decent language skills. They know that to do an MBA in present times, knowing English well is almost a pre-requisite. Hence, they put in extra effort in brushing up their language skills. On the other hand, sections like Quant and Data Interpretation require a different skillset and temperament. These include formulae, calculations, data analysis which can be difficult for candidates to inculcate, if they don’t have an inclination towards it. There is an element of unpredictability and uncertainty in these sections. VARC, on the other hand totally depends on the level of command the candidates have on English, which reduces uncertainty, as they are ready for whatever may come.
Understanding the VARC Pattern
VARC can become scoring once the candidates understand the pattern of questions and how is this section structured. The section is divided into two parts: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension.
Verbal Ability- Around 10 questions (both MCQs and Non-MCQs) tests candidates on their verbal ability skills. The questions usually come in the form of Jumbled Paragraph, Para Summary, Picking the odd sentence out of the jumbled sentences and so on.
Reading Comprehension- RC forms a large chunk of VARC. Nearly 24 RC based questions come in the exam and all of them are MCQs.
What makes VARC scoring?
The emphasis and importance on Reading Comprehension also makes it a scoring option. The answers to RC can be found in the given passage itself. The section tests the comprehension abilities of a candidate. The candidates only task is to read the passage thoroughly, understand the passage and work out the answers based on the given questions. Furthermore, since all these questions are multiple choice questions, the candidates have the answer in front of them. By applying the process of elimination, they can arrive at the right answer.
Read faster
To score well in VARC, particularly RC, candidates need to develop the skill of reading swiftly and accurately. To be able to attempt the five passages within the stipulated time, candidates must learn how to skim through the passage. The faster they read, the more time they give themselves to do justice to this section and consequently get good scores in this section.
Time Factor
While in Quantitative or Data Interpretation, candidates can consume a lot of time in trying to arrive at the solution after lengthy calculations or may not be sure of their answer even after spending a lot of time on the problem, in VARC, candidates can answer quickly. Even if they don’t know a particular answer, they would take lesser time to figure that out.
VARC continues to be a scoring section in VARC and a percentile booster.
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