Your performance in the CAT exam decides what kind of institute you get to study in, which will have a bearing on the kind of start you make in your career. There is huge pressure on the CAT aspirants to score a decent percentile, to prove that they are better in comparison to other candidates in the field. In the CAT exam, it is not only enough to be the best that you can be, but what matters is whether you are better than the others who have applied or not. This makes the task of getting a good enough percentile a cause of stress for the aspirants.
Latest Update: CAT 2024 exam will be in November, 2024. Admit Card is available from October, 2024 to November, 2024.
The CAT exam attracts competition from across the country, with over 2 lakh applicants applying for it every year. This level of competition makes it difficult for the candidates to rest easy because each one of them dreams of becoming a successful management executive or an entrepreneur after their MBA Programme and CAT is the first and most crucial step in that direction.
The expectations that the CAT aspirants carry on their shoulders, of their parents, of their peers, of a good and successful career, to name a few, induce immense stress in them. Sometimes, this stress may work as a positive influence and drive them to perform better than expected, but most times, this stress pulls them down and makes them fear CAT.
Stress for high achievers
Although the dream of all aspirants who apply for the CAT exam is to enter one of the top business schools such as the IIMs, not everyone has the capacity and the skill set to achieve this dream. Aspirants who are aware of their limitations or lack preparation would, perhaps, not be under stress to get a good percentile as they would have less expectations of themselves. Stress affects those aspirants more, who are battling it out for the best management schools of the country and anything less than that is unacceptable to them. These people fancy their chances as they are confident about their preparations, have better skill sets than others and are more determined. Therefore, the possibility of not making it to their dream institute is enough to give them stress.
The higher percentile bracket of 95 and above is where stress is at its maximum. The competition to get a call from the top institutes is ruthless and fierce. Not getting a call might shatter some aspirants as choosing lesser ranked institutes is not an option for them. The ones below these higher ranked aspirants make peace with the institute they get because their expectations are tempered by their abilities and performance.
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