We will test the analytical mind of the candidate through all sections along with their selection, precision and speed says Dr. Sumanta Basu - CAT 2018 Exam Convener
CAT for many is the exam of their lives. It is the epitome of all management entrance exams in India almost since 1950. Getting a good score, preferably 90+ percentile in the CAT exam is a dream for many.
When asked to the CAT 2024 Exam Convener, Dr. Sumanta Basu, Faculty on Operation Management at IIM Kolkata, about what skills do they plan to test this year apart from Quantitative and Language Skills, he said, “We will test the analytical mind of the candidate through all sections along with their selection, precision CAT 2024 exam To attain this dream you must excel in every section you attempt in the and speed. Concerned team has an objective of making the paper approachable to all candidates while the paper ensures the selection of right candidates suitable for better managers in future."
MBA Rendezvous has a simple funda to give you to crack CAT
Get ready to burn the midnight lamp because you need to really work on your goal i.e. CAT 2024. There are 3 sections in CAT – VARC, DILR and QA – and each has its own importance. Study the syllabus thoroughly. Give mock tests and assess your strengths and weakness’. Polish the areas you are good at and make sure you score perfect in them. Work hard on the areas you do not do well and try to assess what you can do to make them work for you. Work hard and work smart.
The CAT exam seeks your commitment towards the preparation or in short your complete dedication. Build in that passion derived from this dedication towards your ultimate goal. Make sure you dedicate at least 12-16 hours daily for your preparation. Also when you go in to write your exam, dedicate all your energy to those 3 hours that could be your life changer.
Just like Arjuna’s entire centre of interest was the fish’s eye, your entire focus should only be the CAT 2024. When you pick a topic to study, focus completely on it. Build an understanding, practice all questions, check what kind of questions are generally asked from that topic and any tips that can help you master it. Study in a distraction-free room away from all gadgets and external disturbances so that your entire focus is only on what you are studying. Make sure a similar environment is there when you write self-timed mock tests. To improve your concentration and focus, take small breaks in between to keep your mind refreshed.
How much ever you may practice, unless your basics are clear and concepts are strong, you cannot crack even a single question in CAT. There will never be a case where the questions are repeated, but it’s the concept in those questions. It is certainly the key to succeed in CAT. Study the concepts of Quant DI and LR thoroughly.
All the Best!
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