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After having cleared cutoff percentile at MBA Institute, you will be invited for Group Discussion and now it is must for you to Read Tips on How to Conclude in GD.

The conclusion represents the final stage of the Group Discussion (GD) Round that follows the initial stage when each member gets a chance to speak his opening remarks and the stage when the discussion is thrown open to everyone in the group. The conclusion happens when all members of the group have got turns to speak on the issue under consideration. The members of the group have discussed various aspects of the issue and given arguments both in favour of and against the issue. The moderator then asks the candidates for their concluding remarks, which, in a way, also reflect the candidate’s understanding of the discussion that happened- whether the candidate paid attention and understood the entire discussion or not.

Sum up

For candidates who have actively participated in the discussion, thinking of their concluding remarks becomes easier as they have kept a track of the various points that have been discussed. Since they have followed the entire discussion very closely, providing a brief sum up to the GD is not difficult for them. Candidates should focus on summarizing the entire discussion and track the flow of the discussion. Conclusion gives a chance to the candidates to reinforce the points they feel are important and helps them get noticed for one last time.

No new points

Candidates should keep in mind that they should not bring up any new point in their concluding remarks. This is because conclusion happens towards the very end of the discussion and the candidate does not get the luxury of introducing a new point and then justifying the point by providing evidence. The audiences too don’t expect anything new in the conclusion. A reiteration of the important points of the discussion should suffice for the concluding remarks.

Be Concise

Candidates get very little time to speak their concluding remarks and therefore, must use it wisely. Instead of introducing new points, giving new examples, and unnecessarily stretching the conclusion, the candidates should articulate their thoughts concisely and as briefly as possible.

Keep the conclusion general

It’s not a good idea to keep the conclusion limited to a particular point of view in the discussion. It is better to keep the conclusion general. The focus should be on capturing the most significant points raised in the discussion. The candidates must refrain from focusing on his own points but provide a good summary of the GD,


When you get the chance to conclude the GD, instead of stating what the members said exactly, it is better to sum up in your words. It is assumed that everyone in the group has listened to the discussion and know the points well. The challenge then, is to say the same points in a different way, so that the points don’t come across as repetitive.

Grab your chance

If you get the chance to conclude the GD, you should grab it with both hands and use this opportunity to your advantage. This is your chance to prove that you have the qualities of a good leader. While concluding, remarks such as “It was indeed a very healthy discussion and the members brought in different perspectives and enriched the discussion”, will project you as a leader, who knows how to acknowledge and respect his team members. Your concluding remarks should represent a balance, and remain free from your personal biases and opinions. It is a great way to get noticed as you have all the information, facts and data in front of you. You just have to be smart enough to use this to your advantage.

The beginning, as well as, the conclusion are important aspects of speaking or writing. While it is important to begin well, it is equally important to end well. The candidates should keep the above points in mind and construct an impressive conclusion.


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