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Group Discussion Topics Latest GD Topic

After having cleared cutoff percentile at MBA Institute, you will be invited for Group Discussion and now it is must for you to practice with variety of GD topics.

Read and develop points for discussion for GD Topic : Tips on Taking Initiative in GD

Group Discussion, which follows the entrance exam, is a good opportunity to make the first impression on the moderators, a chance that even the entrance does not offer. It is the first time that the aspirant will be required to speak and convey her/ his thoughts, as also to get noticed before the Personal Interview Round. Therefore, the aspirant should seize the initiative and leave a positive impression that stays with the panel even at the Personal Interview Stage. 


Seize the chance

The aspirants should go into the Group Discussion with the mentality to grab the chance. A positive frame of mind will ensure that the aspirants look forward to the challenge. In a GD, you should try to begin the discussion, without going overboard and hog the limelight. The idea is to express your optimism and enthusiasm before the others and give an example of your leadership skills. The idea is not to dominate the proceedings and leave a bad taste. By initiating the proceedings, you also ensure that you get maximum uninterrupted time, even as other aspirants still figure what the topic is about.  

Be forthcoming

A Group Discussion offers aspirants the chance to air their views on the topic under discussion. It is a platform to prove to the panel that you deserve to be selected. You can do this only when you put forward logical, intelligent arguments in a coherent manner, without any nervousness or hesitation. Therefore, you need to be forthcoming in your attitude and not shy away from affirming your point. Developing confidence in yourself and a positive outlook are good starting points to remove any hesitation or awkwardness that you may feel in the GD. 

Talk sense

Speak only when you have understood the topic under discussion. Some people have the tendency to speak for the sake of it, for they think that this will help them dominate the discussion and shut the others up. But, this doesn’t work. When you start speaking, make it count. Make sure that the arguments you present are logical, sensible and relevant to the theme of the discussion. Do not say anything that you are not sure of or something that is factually incorrect, for others will be quick to jump on you. It will be impossible for you to reclaim your position after this.

Speak confidently

Since GD puts you in unfamiliar setting amongst strangers, there is bound to be nervousness and hesitation in you. This may stop you from expressing yourself confidently. The way you speak has a bearing on how you are perceived and whether you are able to impress the panel or not. You will be able to take the initiative only when you possess a good command over the language. People will listen to you when you mix sound and logical arguments with fluent and appropriate use of the language.  

Use the right words

To come across as a good team member, you need to use appropriate language in the discussion. If you don’t choose the right words or use unparliamentary language, the initiative that you had seized will turn out to be a total disaster, from which you will not be able to recover. Sprinkle your speech with words such as, ‘please’, ‘thank you’, my friends’, ‘I beg your pardon’, ‘I submit’, ‘I concede’, ‘With the permission of the chair’, and so on. This reflects your pedigree and sophistication and will surely cast a good impression. 

The Group Discussion is not similar to Personal Interview. GD involves a group of people with different mindsets and opinions, who are clubbed together. Hence, an aspirant should learn how to conduct herself/ himself in a group. She/ he should know how to seize the chance and show her/ his knowledge and skills and also know how to take a back seat and listen to others’ views intently. 

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