For all MBA aspirants, the first goal is to clear the CAT exam, so that it puts you in a position to choose the best business institute in the country. But the CAT exam is not easy at all. It is one of the toughest exams in the country and demands complete devotion and commitment. To begin the journey of CAT, the aspirants need to make CAT their only dream and pursue it with everything they have.
Latest Update: IIMs has announced the CAT 2024 exam date i.e., in November, 2024. Detailed notifications for CAT 2024 are released in July, 2024.
Set the Goal
While thinking of doing an MBA, you should first set your target and the target has to be doing well in the CAT exam. Do not think about the institutes you would like to join, in the initial stage, as this may divert your focus away from CAT. Make CAT your only goal in life, as if your life depended on it, and prepare accordingly for it. If you do the CAT well, other things will take care of themselves.
Stay Focused
The journey leading on to the CAT exam is going to be the most important journey of your life. This is because this journey will decide whether you make it to the top business institutes of the country such as the IIMs or not. Staying focused throughout the preparation, without losing sight of your goal of doing well in the CAT exam is essential. In the highly competitive world of today, aspirants who are able to retain their focus and work hard and smart will be in a better position to crack CAT than others.
Don't Compromise
Once you have set CAT as your goal, do not compromise and relax until you fulfil that goal. You have to be prepared to make little sacrifices along the way, which may cause slight discomfort to you. But the goal is so worthy that the compromises you make mean only reflect your determination to realise your dream.
Work Hard
CAT exam is not an easy exam to crack and, therefore, requires plenty of hard work from aspirants. There is no short cut to preparing for the exam. The main idea behind working hard is to gain confidence in your own self. An aspirant preparing for CAT certainly needs to attempt a number of problems of different types of questions, so that he/ she is reasonably confident of dealing with any question that CAT may throw up. If the aspirant is lazy in his/her effort, he/she will lack the confidence and hurt his/her chances.
Single-minded determination to crack the CAT exam will enable you to adopt the processes that will help realise the dream. Unarguably, for all those hoping to clear CAT, they need to first make CAT their only dream and then, till the exam, live and breathe that dream every single day. A positive obsession with the dream of cracking the CAT exam, will make you commit to the goal and motivate you to keep pushing yourself hard.
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