It is very obvious that the aspirants must be feeling anxious about their preparation and revision; however, this is the time when you actually need to check your anxiety and stick to your strategies. Few points worth mentioning at this point of time are mentioned below:
Stick to your Strategy:
Now that CAT Entrance Exam 2024 will be conducted in November 2024. Until now you must be sure whether the strategy you are using is giving you rewards or not. If it’s rewarding, don't change it else, stick to the basics and keep on attempting mock tests and take guidance from your mentors for the right approach for you.
For example, you would know if your best bet is to scan a passage and then move onto to the questions, while another person could be more at ease scanning questions before going onto the passage. So, just stick to whatever works best for you.
Analyze the mock tests you attempted:
Test-taking is the most important aspect of your preparation now. Take as much mocks as you can in a week and the test-taking should be followed by an in-depth analysis of the complete paper. Analyze what mistakes you have committed and how you will rectify them. Also check the questions that you have missed, and whether you have missed any 'easy' question! That will help in your choice of questions later. Remember, CAT 2024 is not about last minute cramming and revising, as in CBT you won’t be able to come back to any section later. That is why; it is about being alive and mentally alert, here and now.
For the D-Day:
One of the biggest pitfalls is that as students we always search for shortcuts, asking 'which is the easiest way out and which are the easiest questions?' A critical issue here is the tremendous urge to skip questions. We tend to lose concentration at different stages during the exam and tend to skip questions because of the pressures of time. But, things get better if you follow a couple of golden rules like identifying the easy questions to attend, not just by looking at it but, by devoting few seconds. It is imperative that you read all the questions. This hurdle could also be overlapped by attempting and analyzing mock tests.
Learn to relax – Calm Down your nerve:
CAT 2024 will not be the end of your life. Many a time, very high potential students have not made it to the IIMs because they could not handle the pressure. So, unwind, go for movies, do things that help you relax, go for walks, listen to soothing music, meditate, etc. People, who stick it out, hang in there and continue to peg away, will make it as labor never goes in vein and knowledge reaps reward. This attitude will let you relax and you could maintain your cool on the final day of CAT 2024.
MBA Rendezvous wishes all our readers and CAT 2024 aspirants all the very best. Hope our reference materials and articles on CAT 2024 have helped you prepare and be confident !!
Stay ahead and Stay inspired with MBA Rendezvous