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Importance of Verbal Aptitude in CAT | How to enhance language skills | CAT Exam


MBA entrances such as CAT, basically test the aspirants on various parameters such as critical reasoning, logical reasoning, quantitative reasoning, verbal reasoning and so on. Verbal aptitude, in particular, has gained prominence over the years, as the world has become interconnected and good language skills have become essential.

Verbal aptitude assesses a person’s ability to use the various components of a language, for instance, grammar, vocabulary, spellings, word relationships, word meanings and so on. A high score in verbal aptitude section of CAT, will most often than not, translate into a good score overall. Aspirants do not necessarily study for verbal aptitude section with the same rigour as they study other components of the entrance examination. Many are under the false impression that verbal aptitude is easy, since, it comprises questions on language that they use everyday and hence, do not devote sufficient time to this section. But, this can backfire terribly. This section is important and needs practice, as well as, an inclination towards the language.

1. Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension is an integral component of verbal aptitude, and is present in all MBA entrance examinations. It forms one of the essential parts of the entrance as it tests a candidate’s basic knowledge of language. It tests whether the candidate is able to comprehend the passage, which is a sign that he/she can read and understand the words in that language, and infer the right conclusions that reflect in the answers. 

2. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is an important parameter to test verbal abilities of a candidate. Vocabulary refers to the knowledge of words and their meanings. The better te vocabulary of a candidate, the better his/ her command on the language, at least the spoken and written part, to an extent. Exams such as CAT test vocabulary directly, through word meanings or indirectly, through reading comprehension. A good vocabulary is a must for candidates to express their thoughts precisely, as well as, leave a strong impression on people.

3. Emphasis on language skills

Given the way the world is, an interconnected web of countries, language has become an important tool to reduce the gap. Language, as a means of communication, helps connect people living in different countries. Verbal aptitude tests nothing but language skills of aspirants who are likely to become future business leaders and managers. Therefore, a candidate must develop a decent command on the language and practice the kind of questions that can be expected. Though, learning a language is a time consuming, continuous process, it is an inevitable part of modern business world. 

4. Words matter

A person who has a flair for words, should find himself/ herself in a comfortable position, as far as, verbal aptitude is concerned. Words matter not only in the entrance exams but also in the subsequent hurdles, such as the personal interview that one needs to clear to get into an MBA institute.

Thus, a candidate will be tested on his language skills in CAT and must take this seriously if he/ she intends to get into a good MBA institute.

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